Collected BAI donations has been donated to chairty


Inline with one of our previous posts Discontinuation of BAI donation collection on Feb 5th 2014, we have completed accounting on the collected donations. The total donations collected has been INR 11454 from our customers and Unocoin contribution has been INR 11915 which sums up to INR 23369. A cheque has been drawn and the donation has been made to Vidyanikethan.


Bangalore is a rapidly growing city, alongside the boom and growth the poorer class still struggles with no means of sending children to schools for even a basic education. While there are organizations such as Vidyanikethan trying their best to reach out to as many as they possibly can.First of all, most of the children who are studying in Vidyanikethan from kindergarden to 9th class are from slums and poor backgrounds. The families rely mainly on daily wages from construction work, Carpentry, Flower vending, Road side petty business, Garment works etc. The parents of these children are busy in finding labour work day to day for their livelihood. Few of them are homeless and are denied of any basic facilities. So they cannot afford any education apart from Vidyanikethan because here they are not burdened with paying school fees.Vidyanikethan has been working to serve the community for the past 25 years and impacted more than 12000 lives. From a kinder garden for 7 children they have evolved to an organization working in 6 projects, with 4 branches in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.